Lesson linked to the SMSC topic of Autism Awareness month.
Students explore the first chapter of 'Curious Incident', find out more about Autism and them craft a creative response.
Leveled learning outcomes given as well as stretch activities.
Full lesson allowing students to identify knowledge of Anne Frank, features of diary writing and a creative task. Levelled Learning outcomes given.
A booklet that gives a complete lesson for students.
Worksheet that guides students in a close analysis of any given quotation.
Central box for chosen quotation.
Open space for annotation.
Box of differentiated sentence stems to guide analysis.
6 worksheets (2 per A4 sheet) used as an introduction to the topics: Plurals, Suffix, Prefix, Homophone, Antonym and Synonym.
Includes Stretch activities for more able students.
Each lesson includes:
Do Now/Bell Work Starters.
Modelling of answers.
Stretch and challenge oppertunities.
Differentiated leveled learning outcomes.
13 lessons + assessment.
Starter re-introduces effective opening, changing focus, zooming in, simile, metaphor and personification in a card sort style.
Following this students view three short films in turn writing a paragraph of description based on the journey of a character.
Students verbally feedback after each with opportunity to discuss good examples.
Plenary is a self assessment task to show how many techniques they have shown to master in the lesson.
For use at the end of the novella.
Students identify key events, characters and quotations in order to consider their significance.
1-2 hours of work depending on ability.
Booklet that has been used with a Literacy Extract group. allowing for SPAG and comprehension skills to be developed along side creative activities and dictionary/thesaurus work.
This booklet has been used with a literacy extract group. It develops SPAG and comprehension along with some creative activities and the chance for dictionary and thesaurus work.
A series of full lesson booklets for use in key months/weeks to reflect various commemorated issues.
Autism Awareness
LGBT+ awareness
Holocaust Memorial
Black History
International Women's Day
Guided PPT that allows a class to respond to an individual image. Guidance through planning, expanding vocabulary and adding language techniques.
Model work included with an annotation exercise included
Bronze/Silver/Gold criteria.
Proving effective with Y9 as an introduction to Paper 1 Section B
Booklet includes:
Code breaking
Justifying survival bag choices
Guided story writing
Reasoning ideal ‘base’ locations from a provided map
Writing descriptions based on an image
Independent creative writing